
The goals of the Program are the same as last year’s, as follows:

The stricto sensu Graduate Program in Accounting – Academic Master’s Degree, at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), has the following goals:

  1. I. to graduate Masters of Accounting, promoting the development of scientific and technological knowledge and the training of human resources for teaching, research and extension/outreach activities related to Accounting Science, considering the relevance of regional demands and peculiarities, and their interface with regional, national and international scenarios;
  2. II. to develop, in Accounting Science’s epistemological and methodological terms, critical thinking on Accounting teaching activities;
  3. III. to foster continuing education in Accounting research, related to the applicability in organizations;
  4. IV. to value the local and regional reality as a privileged locus of studies and research in the field of Accounting, without disregarding the national and global scenarios;
  5. V. to contribute to the qualification of academic professionals in the field of Applied Social Sciences, expanding and enhancing their work through teaching and research activities, for the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the rest of the country;
  6. VI. to encourage improvement in research, teaching and management, in the field of Accounting Science, with the sharing of experiences among research groups from different institutions; and
  7. VII. to allow, based on a consistent theoretical framework, that the graduates can understand in a critical and socially responsible way the socioeconomic reality in which they are inserted, thus becoming agents of regional development, with a focus on accounting teaching and research, as well as on the generation of accounting information.